Friday, May 3, 2013

Birds at Safilguda Lake

The visit to Safilguda Lake (north of Hyderabad) proved once again that we have a wide variety of birds all around us, but we need to take a little effort to look for them. The first visit was very fruitful as I saw many species for the first time. There were birds flying all around us, some of just having fun and others in what could have been a courtship ritual. Since the time was around 8AM in the morning, the light was strong and clear enough for some good shots. I even managed to capture a few on the wing.

This is a Pond Heron standing absolutely still until it strikes to catch a fish.

This is called a Dabchick (common name) and even the fully grown adult is relatively very small and rather plain looking. It is supposed to survive in polluted water bodies too, though this lake is not too bad in that respect as compared to other similar lakes in Hyderabad.

This is called the Black Crowned Night Heron probably due to the back shade on it's head. It has a rather funny look when it is on the ground, but it can be very graceful when flying.

This is a Spot Billed Duck and there is a good population of them in this lake. It is a very interesting sight when they take off and land. Hope to capture some good shots of it next time.

A large flock of Teals sunning themselves.

For the rest of my bird photographs, please visit Birds Around Hyderabad.

As always, I would love to hear your comments or suggestions.

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